Peer Evaluation of 'Celestial'

Another class evaluated mine and Jonathan's prelim, 'Celestial', telling us what went well and what we could do better.
What elements of this sequence did you feel were successful? Give at least 2 elements and explain why they were successful.
- The light flashing when the girl was walking down the hall
- The props that were used were good and effective
- The lighting was good and the angles were too
- Good costume
- Eerie opening, graveyard, black and white
- Corridor sequence - chilling non-diegetic sounds, edgy visual effects
Were there any aspects of the sequence which you felt were confusing/distracting/missing, etc?
- The tables - when they move it doesn't seem very realistic
- Lighting in the drama room could have been more controlled - Jonathan appears blurry, grainy
List 2 things which you feel would have improved this sequence?
None of