Luna - Blooper Reel

This is the blooper reel from when we created our AS final, Luna.
Featuring Zahra Mukadam's inappropriate hand gestures and comments about wind, Dom Freedman's loud, angry director commentry and Jonathan Foulston's lack of emotion.

Audience Questionnaires - Luna

Here is an answered questionnaire regarding our opening sequence Luna:

1. Is it clear what the genre is?
- Yes; romance? Romantic drama?
2. Is the sound appropriate/does it fit with the genre/content?
- The music is lighthearted and catchy and sounds 'young' like the couple.
3. Does the opening scene create enigma?
- I want to know how they got together completely, and I want to know why he looks so sad at the beginning & why is he on his own if the relationship is so good?
4. Can you understand what is happening?
- The rewind was going back to when they first met, the beginning of the relationship in the montage.
5. Do the titles fit with the genre/content? Are they well made/edited?
- Yes, he seems to be the writer telling the story through a typewriter. They are well made and edited. They are clear.
6. Is the editing well done and clear? How would you improve it?
- Up until the end the editing was very good but I wouldn't stop the music dead at the end.
7. Is the misé en scene good and appropriate?
- I liked the day sections and night sections and the different locations. Obviously a lot of thought was put into this. It shows that the couple travelled together, e.g. to London
8. Is the opening scene convincing?
- Yes, it seems like a real film. The acting was very good, for example at the beginning the male didn't even NEARLY smile!
9. Did it interest you? Would you watch the movie?
- Yes, I want to find out what happened to Luna! Why is he on his own? How long were they together?
10. Please state what you would give it out of 60?
- 52, due to the one overly grainy/fuzzy shot and the fact that the music cuts out at the end.

Luna - final cut

This is the final cut for our project 'Luna', starring Jonathan Foulston and Ellie Robson, filmed by Dominic Freedman and Zahra Mukadam and edited by all of the above. The film is from the point of view of Brody, who falls in love with a girl called Luna. The opening sequence shows a flashback of Brody and Luna's relationship - the flashback then rewinds to the first day they met. The rest of the film would show the progression of their relationship until the day things take a turn for the worst.

Questionnaires for viewers - Luna

1. Is it clear what the genre is?
2. Is the sound appropriate/does it fit with the genre/content?
3. Does the opening scene create enigma?
4. Can you understand what is happening?
5. Do the titles fit with the genre/content? Are they well-made and edited? Are they clear? Are they in a good order?
6. Is the editing well done and clear? How would you improve it?
7. Is the misé en scene good/appropriate?
8. Is the opening scene convincing?
9. Did it interest you? Would you watch the movie?
10. Please state what you would give the opening scene out of 60.

Re-edit planning - Luna

We plan to improve upon our rough cut for Luna in order to make it the best it can be. To do this we will:
  • Make the titles stand out (a lot of work will go into this; each title will be 'typed' by a typewriter and will be in a different place depending on shots)
  • Cut the shots of the montage crisply in time with the music
  • We will add the final shots of how the couple met (in a coffee shop) at the end of the rewind and after the title in order to explain the rewind and also so that the title is not at the end, hopefully making it look less like a trailer
  • By cutting the shots of the montage down, hopefully we'll be a little closer to 2 minutes and also we can cut the confusing black section out of the middle of the video
  • We will audio gain the voice-over to make it louder than the music and easier to understand

Rough Cut Feedback - Luna

We have received lots of feedback on the rough cut version of our opening sequence – mainly positive:

Is it obvious an opening sequence? Is it clear who the target audience is?
Many people have said that the genre of ‘Luna’ is quite clear as well as the target audience. However, some people have mentioned that it looks like a music video or trailer which is not what we were hoping for.

Titles go with genre. Is the genre obvious? Are they clear? Are there enough and are they in the right order?
Feedback on the titles was overall positive saying that the titles were clear, relevant, in a good order and went with the genre. The only criticisms were that the titles were too simple and there were not a lot of and one person didn’t understand how the typewriter style font went with the romantic drama genre.


Think about the sound and images – are they appropriate? Do they go together?
Many people were impressed with the sound and said it was appropriate, the music is good and shows the genre. Some people said that the voiceover in the beginning was good, effective and created a mood to the sequence. However some said that they thought it was too quiet and the music drowned the voiceover out. A lot of the feedback said that they didn’t like the reverse sound in the sequence.


Camera – are the shots appropriate and relevant? Is there controlled use of camera, attention to framing, variety of shot distance/angle? Close attention to use of mise en scene?
We were said to have good use and variety of camera shots and clever camera techniques and the audience liked that when both characters in the sequence were alone the setting was dark but when they were together it was light (which was not intentional) and that we have good mise en scene including costume. Someone suggested the use of a high angle shot.


Editing so that the meaning is apparent to the viewer and making selective and appropriate use of shot transitions and other effects?
Lots of the feedback was positive regarding the editing, saying that it was good and relevant and our opening had smooth transitions. However, a lot of people mentioned that they did not get the idea of the rewind part of our sequence (as we hadn’t filmed our finishing shot yet) and said that because it blacked out before the rewind the scenes stopped flowing.


Total score and any other comments
Lowest score: 36
Highest score: 58

It has been said to be convincing that the couple in our opening sequence are truly in love due to their ‘brilliant acting’; ‘cute’; ‘voiceover is effective’; people were confused about the link to the title; ‘needs more enigma codes’; some were unsure about the rewind; it has been cited as one of the favourites out of all of the opening sequences.

Production Shots

This photo shows our group working out the responsibilities of the other members and figuring out which pitch we would choose to film for our opening sequence.
This photo shows Dom and Jonathan working on the computers. One is researching narrative voice-overs in popular movies whilst the other is searching for a useful soundtrack for the opening sequence.
In this shot we can see Jonathan looking for useful locations to film our opening sequence in.
This photo shows Jonathan and Zahra working out a shot list for our opening sequence and a script for our narration.
This shot shows Dom working on the safety assessment for the filming of the opening sequence and Ellie working on the various mood boards for our pitch and the titles research needed.
Jonathan is seen here editing the footage we have so far of our opening sequence.
 Ellie editing the Audience Interviews we recorded for our films evidence to place on our blogs.
Here, Zahra is recording Jonathan whilst he is acting in our ‘character profiles’ filming practice.
This shot shows Zahra and Dom working on the storyboard and the timeline for the film.