Re-edit planning - Luna

We plan to improve upon our rough cut for Luna in order to make it the best it can be. To do this we will:
  • Make the titles stand out (a lot of work will go into this; each title will be 'typed' by a typewriter and will be in a different place depending on shots)
  • Cut the shots of the montage crisply in time with the music
  • We will add the final shots of how the couple met (in a coffee shop) at the end of the rewind and after the title in order to explain the rewind and also so that the title is not at the end, hopefully making it look less like a trailer
  • By cutting the shots of the montage down, hopefully we'll be a little closer to 2 minutes and also we can cut the confusing black section out of the middle of the video
  • We will audio gain the voice-over to make it louder than the music and easier to understand