Representation - Action and Rom Com

Action movie:
This picture represents an action film. The car is the main focus of the picture, showing that the movie revolves around a race or car chase. The building in the back could be any number of things, for example a bank - there could be a robbery which requires a quick getaway. It also shows that it is set in a city or town, which is relevant as most action films aren't set in the countryside/field.
Colours: Blue is seen as a masculine colour, suggesting that the main character is a male. The stripe on the car shows that it is a sports/racing car.

Chick flick movie:
This picture represents a chick flick. There is a kiss print and two bars of soap on a tissue. This is very representative of a girl who cares about her appearance. Immediately we see the kiss print as it is the only colour in the picture. This makes us think of lipstick/make-up in general and points us in the direction of teenage girls, whom this movie would probably be based around. The soap and tissue represents cleanliness: again, girls who care about their appearance.
Colours: White is the prominent colour in this picture. White represents purity and cleanliness, which ties in with the idea of girls caring about their appearance. White could also represent innocence. The stain on top of the white suggests that her innocence has been tainted; perhaps the movie centres around a good girl turned bad. Pink also suggests girlishness, or can be associated with make-up (lipstick) and therefore represent falseness, or a mask disguising the person underneath. This gives a whole new storyline.